Wednesday, October 29, 2008

My Fireman

Yes... He is MY FIREMAN!
I Love you so Much TIMOTHY!
Thank you for being YOU!

I had taken this picture on Monday for one of there training

drills... and I got this shot with Tim in front leading all the other

guys coming down from the Hill.

I love getting shots like this.

I have more, so eventually I will get some more posted...

Not just of TIM of course but of the other guys as well.

kit by:


Anonymous said...

Great layout April!! Thanks for sharing and letting me see the kit in use. I also like the layouts in the last post as well :) . Thanks for the great comments on my kits, I'm glad that you found some that you could use.

Anonymous said...

Hi April, I just ran across some Military kits like you asked for, they are in tagger size though. I looked for an email addy for you to send the link that way but couldn't find one. So here is the link, she has 4 different ones. -