Friday, October 8, 2010


has been one busy day... Tim and I went to look for a Halloween costume for him to go with my costume.. this will be the first time we kind of match or even go with the same theme.. we've only dressed up one other time before and that was about 6 years ago.. so this will be our first Halloween togheter in that long hahahaha... Im looking forward to it.... here are our costumes.. I love it :)

Wednesday, October 6, 2010


Even though Tim has only been home for 8 hours Ive had a nice time with him today...Really doing nothing but just to be around him has been joyful, unfortunatly it ends tomorrow morning...he goes back to work... I am getting a little tired of this One day a week off deal, but we need the money,even though it sucks and I miss him a lot!!
I took a little time out while he was mowing the lawn to do a layout page...
ITs from Labor day when my brothers were out for a while...when we took them to the airport :( but we made a good day out of it still...
Seems like its a tradition we do at the airport ha ha ha...
Well here is the layout its a little busy not something I usually do but wanted to try something different...I do need some new fun pictures though..


Today was nice...

I had a nice time today...
I was able to meet a very nice lady today.. "Stephanie" Thanks for letting me come by and show you how to Digi scrap :) I had a nice time...

I went to Oak Glen was such a nice afternoon the weather was great the food was awesome..
then I went to my Mother in laws.. and well I dloaded a bunch more digi scrap kits hahahaha not like I dont have enough...
anyway... i made a scrap book page today... unfortunatly it wasnt from today I didnt bring my camera...
But on Saturday... Im going to bring my camera and take some pictures... Im planning on taking my grandparents, nephew and my hubby ... maybe even meeting my in laws too...
oh I know this isnt interesting but this is what a blog is right... to write whatever it is we want :)
so with that said... thats what Im doing...


Monday, October 4, 2010

another day...

Today has been such a nice day... Im so glad for this weather change.. I think Fall is my favorite time of year...It is also a fun time to digi scrap cause I Love the colors... of course in my home its fall almost year round hahha... I was on my sister in laws photo page and saw a bunch of cute pictures she took in Colorado where they are living now.. I just love it.. wish I could go out there for a visit... so anyway.. I was inspired by her pictures to make a digi scrap layout..

and of course I mixed designers while doing it... so I have to give credit to a bunch of people on this one...

***Credits***, and***

Saturday, October 2, 2010


So I've spent the last 2 hours on BLOGGER... doing what? hahaha... trying to make it more personal... dont think im doing that great of a job but im trying.
This is a little difficult though... Oh well I'll get the hang of it eventually Thanks for reading...april

My Brothers

So I made another one out of this cool kit...I love it... it has all the ARMY stuff I need :)


Im really excited that both of them will be home again for Christmas.. which is going to be nice.. only a few more months left... whoo hoo....

back to Digi Scrapping

Here it is...

******Credits go to ******

thought it was about time I got back into this...I always forget my password... hahahah and then dont remember to get on here to do anything.. well again im going to try this out...I know I dont have a lot of followers...but still its nice to write down what im feeling you cant do much on FB... or you can and people complain about it...well anyway... thanks for reading... <3 april

Monday, February 8, 2010


My friends Maternity pics program wasnt working for a while and I was procrastinating for a while... well im glad i decided to try it out today cause it worked.
Anyway here are a few of my favorites that I did...







Anyway... all I have left is the blanket Im doing ... which is almost done.. just a few more rows... Yay... Then off to start a new one for another baby shower.

Sunday, February 7, 2010


So glad the Saints WON!!!!


It's been nice... sitting here watching the Superbowl with my hubby... we haven't done this in a long time since he usually works... It's also nice that its just the 2 of us :)I made a cute avatar with my pet from Petville with a Black and Gold jersey... to support the SAINTS...

Well Tomorrow Tim goes to Classes out in San Berdo...but he will be home for dinners... which is so nice..This whole week with him home has been nice.. usually he is gone for either 4 to 5 days throughout the week and home for 2 or 3 days.. I end up missing him like crazy but I know its worth it in the end... Im just glad he is taking all these training classes...

Well I guess I better get back to the game... :)
Thanks for reading my posts.. Ill try to make them a little more interesting.

EMILY... THanks for the comments Im glad Im back on here too... I just have to get into the hang of things... and We need to hang out sometime.... I want to meet EZRA!!

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

oh well...

I guess this is better then nothing...
So what's new with the Anderson's??
Not too much...
My Brother Jacob just got married The 9th of January in Alpharetta Georgia

We had a very nice time out there... so pretty...The weather was awesome... snow and cold... yah...met some awesome new people...

Upcoming events... My other brother Jason will be here for Easter... so will Jacob and his Wife Jessica :) cant wait to see them. we will be getting family pics taken since we will all be together again at the same time. I cant wait!!!!

There is nothing else new to report right now... Ill try to come up some more things again...
Love to you all who read my posts...


I honestly forgot how this works... I want to change the background and stuff on here.. since its a little old and boring...bare with me.